Manuel Mekkattu
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Manuel Mekkattu
Student / Studiengang Doktorat D-MAVT
Zusätzliche Informationen
Jahr | Ehrung |
2023 | Brigham Research Excellence Award, Harvard University (Award for outstanding contributions to research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital) |
2023 | Heyning-Roelli Stiftung Scholarship (Grant for Master Thesis abroad) |
2023 | Zeno-Karl-Schindler Foundation Scholarship (Grant for Master Thesis abroad) |
2018 | Basler Maturapreis der Novartis (Award for outstanding curricular and extracurricular achievements) |
2018 | Kantonaler Maturandenpreis, Gymnasium Muttenz (Certificate of being amongst the top Matura graduates) |
Weitere Informationen
Academic Experience
Sep 2021 - Sep 2023: Master's in Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Major: Bioelectronics), GPA: 5.77 / 6 (graduated with honors)
Mar 2023 - Aug 2023: Master Thesis at Harvard Medical School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Division of Cardiac Surgery, Grade: 6 / 6
Sep 2018 - Sep 2021: Bachelor's in Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, GPA: 5.51 / 6
Aug 2014 - Jun 2018: Bilingual Matura (German-English), Gymnasium Muttenz, Switzerland, GPA: 5.85 / 6 (Ranked 1st out of 158 students)