
The basic requirements and procedures for admission to a doctoral program at ETH Zurich are defined by the Download ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (PDF, 255 KB). Admission to D-MAVT is granted on an individual basis and requires a Master's degree in engineering or natural sciences and the approval of a professor who will act as the supervisor.

D-MAVT aims to admit excellent students (in the top 10% of their Bachelor's/Master's programs) from recognized institutions. The Department Conference defines the selection criteria for admission to ensure minimum quality standards. The D-MAVT Doctoral Committee serves as the admissions committee for D-MAVT doctoral students and decides on the admission or rejection of doctoral students after consultation with the doctoral supervisor. In case of a positive decision on the admission of a doctoral candidate, the Doctoral Committee decides whether the candidate will be admitted to the regular doctoral program or to the extended doctoral program.

The three objectives of the regular doctoral program are:

  1. to deepen knowledge in the research area of the doctoral thesis and to broaden knowledge outside the traditional discipline,
  2. to enable doctoral students to acquire interdisciplinary competencies / soft skills,
  3. to integrate doctoral students into the scientific community.

During the doctoral studies the doctoral student must acquire a minimum of 12 credit points, as specified in the Rector's implementation provisions for the ETH Zurich Download Ordinance on the Doctorate (PDF, 255 KB)

Please read the Download Detailed stipulations regarding the Doctorate (PDF, 233 KB) for further information.

Extended doctoral studies in D-MAVT require the acquisition of 12 credit points through graded examinations in addition to the 12 credit points required for the regular doctoral studies. The study plan for extended doctoral studies respects the following criteria:

  • at least 12 credits are earned with ETH exams,
  • this includes at least 2 written exams, as stipulated in the Course Catalogue of ETH Zürich,
  • all courses are offered at Master level,
  • no more than one exam may be given by the doctoral student’s thesis supervisor or a member of his or her team.

It is strongly recommended that the 12 credits of the extended doctoral studies are acquired during the first year of (provisional) doctoral studies.

The doctoral thesis supervisor, in agreement with the doctoral student, defines the coursework to be completed in the individual study plan and notifies the D-MAVT doctoral administration of these. The courses must be included in the Learning Agreement.

The individual study plan and the schedule of the extended doctoral studies are part of the doctoral plan.

Please read the Download Detailed stipulations regarding the Doctorate (PDF, 233 KB) for further information.


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