Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Stemmer

Prof. em. Dr. Andreas Stemmer
Professor Emeritus at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
Additional information
Andreas Stemmer has been Full Professor of Nanotechnology at the ETH Zurich since 1 October 2004.
Prof. Stemmer, a native of Basel, studied at the University of Basel where he took his degree in physics. He continued his studies in molecular biology at the M.E. Müller Institute of the Biocenter at the University of Basel and received certification from the Swiss Commission for Molecular Biology (SKMB). In 1990 he earned his doctorate in biophysics. After conducting research as visiting scientist (1990-92) at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK, he was assistant scientist (1992-95) at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, USA. Then he was Assistant Professor (1995-2001) and Associate Professor (2001-2004) of Nanotechnology at the ETH Zurich.
With his Nanotechnology Group, Andreas Stemmer covered a broad range of topics and fields in nanoscale science and technology, with fundamental contributions to advanced light and scanning probe microscopy, assembly of nanoscale objects, nanoscale and molecular electronics, and energy harvesting from living cells and enzymes.