Industrial Internship

Practical industrial experience is a compulsory component of many of our Master's Programs. This twelve week internship aims to familiarize prospective engineers with the industrial workplace.

On this page, we have summarized information on the industrial internship that might be useful for students as well as companies.

For open positions please see our notice board.

Practical industrial experience is compulsory in the following Master's Programs:

  • MSc ETH in Mechanical Engineering
  • MSc ETH in Process Engineering
  • MSc ETH in Robotics, Systems and Control
  • MSc ETH in Micro and Nanosystems
  • MSc ETH in Nuclear Engineering

The students should apply their knowledge and competence (e.g. CAD, mechanical and electrical engineering, construction, accounting) in a working environment, and familiarize themselves with the scope and limits of various techniques.

 Here are some examples of the training content:

  • Product design
  • Planning
  • Internal research and development
  • Machine and plant engineering
  • Pre, post, and running calculation
  • Technical computations
  • Construction - mechanical, electrical, mechatronic
  • Organization and operational data processing
  • Industrial safety, including the safety of machines and mechanisms
  • Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing planning
  • Ecological investigation of products and procedures
  • Production (only novel production procedures)

Marketing and sales training will not be accredited (Exception: Specialised machines and equipment).

Generally, the training company is part of the machine or electrical industry, either in Switzerland or abroad. Students select the training company themselves, but may involve their tutor in their choice.

Marketing and sales training will not be accredited (Exception: Specialised machines and equipment).

Students in specialized Master's programs may conduct their internships in research institutions outside of Switzerland. This can also be an option for students in consecutive Master's programs, as an exception and only if pre-approved by the Student Administration.


Requirements for a company offering an internship

The company should accompany and support the student in their working day. It should allow them the opportunity to learn the required technical competencies. The tasks allocated to students must lie within the machine and electrical industry, and be of a practical and problem-solving nature. At the end of the training period, the company should issue a confirmation, detailing the various skills the student has learnt.

During the internship, the student must follow the company regulations and particular rules for intern students. In the event of unsatisfactory performance, and following a previous warning, the company may dismiss the student and end the internship.

The Industrial Internship is at least twelve weeks long and should be continuous (regulations allow only one break).

We recommend that students complete the Industrial Internship before beginning the Master's Program. Depending on which study program is chosen, however, it may be carried out at any time before starting the Master's Thesis, or before applying for the Master diploma.

Can you offer our students an internship? We are happy to post your job opening on the or fill out the form below.

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