Locations and directions
The home base of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering is located in the ETH Zurich Campus Zentrum, close to the ETH Zurich main building.
You can reach the ETH Zurich Zentrum (center) by taking tram number 10 (direction Flughafen or Bahnhof Oerlikon) or tram number 6 (direction Zoo). The LEE building is best reached by getting off at the "Haldenegg" station. When traveling to the ML and CLA buildings, please get off at the stop "ETH/Universitätsspital".
When traveling by public transportation in Zurich, please purchase a ticket for Zone 110 (Zurich City).

LEE building
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zurich
external page Google Maps

CLA building
Tannenstrasse 3
8092 Zurich
external page Google Maps