Bodies and Committees
Here you find a compilation of all bodies and committees of the department, and their respective members.
The Department Conference is the highest governing body of the department and determines the department's scientific and academic strategy and orientation. The Department Conference nominates or elects the Department Executive Board and members of other bodies and committees, decrees the procedural rules of the department and guidelines concerning the distribution of the budget. A detailed compilation of its duties and responsibilities can be found in the Organisationsverordnung of the ETH Zurich (Art. 46) and in the procedural rules.
- all full, associate and assistant professors of the department
- a total of two further representatives of the lecturers (titular professors, private lecturers and authorized teachers):
Dr. Tino Stankovic
Dr. Michael Tucker
- a total of six representatives of the middle management of the department (assistants, research assistants and doctoral students):
Daniel Biri
Matteo Grasso
Mercedeh Hosseinalipour
Rafaela Louis
Gabriel Pulver
Florin Püntener
Rebecca Büchner (Substitute)
Maxime Escande (Substitute)
Caroline Smid (Substitute)
Sira Bielefeldt (Substitute)
- a total of seven students and auditors of the department; all possible representatives can be found on the page of AMIV
- a total of two representatives of the technical and administrative staff of the department:
Christian Schürch
Cornelia Della Casa
- titular professors who are not already part of the Department Conference as representatives of the lecturers
- affiliated and accredited members of the department
The Professors' Conference is composed of all full, associate, assistant professors of the department, as well as accredited and affiliated professors of the department. The Professors' Conference can invite further parties as guests for specific agenda items.
The duties and responsibilities of the Professors' Conference are described in the Organisationsverordnung of the ETH Zurich (Art. 49) and in the Download procedural rules (PDF, 145 KB). They include proposals for the appointment and promotion of associate to full professors and for awarding the titles of professor and honorary doctorate. In addition, the Professors' Conference prepares subjects for the Department Conference and discusses teaching assignments with regard to staffing.
The Grading Conference is composed of all examiners involved in first year examinations and examination blocks, as well as one student observer.
The Grading Conference usually takes place after a written examination session has finished. It assesses the performances in all examinations based on the proposals of the examiners and it is chaired by the Director of Studies.
The Doctoral Committee is composed of at least three full, associate or assistant professors and is responsible for the admission of doctoral candidates, the approval of research plans and co-examiners as well as for the nominations for doctoral awards. Its members are elected by the Department Conference for a period of two years.
- Prof. Dr. Filippo Coletti
- Prof. Dr. Laura De Lorenzis
- Prof. Dr. Emilio Frazzoli
- Prof. Dr. George Haller
- Prof. Dr. Annalisa Manera
- Prof. Dr. Nicolas Noiray
- Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbitt (Chair)
Delegate of Doctoral Affairs (Deputy Head of Department):
Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbitt
ETH Zürich, ML H 21
8092 Zürich
Consultation by appointment
The Teaching Committee comments on a regular basis on study-related matters and requests necessary changes of study regulations from the Department Conference. It plans the mid- and long-term objectives of courses and settles issues concerning Bachelor and Master subjects.
The Teaching Committee includes two representatives of professors or lecturers of the department and two representatives of each the academic staff and students. Depending on business issue, it can be enlarged by the Department Conference.
- Prof. Dr. André Bardow (Director of Studies)
- Dr. Tino Stankovic (Lecturer)
- Two representatives of the academic staff: Hannah Niese, Yannik Glauser
- Substitues of the academic staff: Gabriel Pulver, David Seda
- Two students from the AMIV Student representation
The Admission Committee is composed of two representatives of the professors, elected by the Department Conference, and one representative of the scientific staff. It decides on the admission of Master students, whereas decisions concerning the admission of Bachelor students are made by the Director of Studies.
Master in Mechanical Engineering:
- Prof. Dr. André Bardow
- Prof. Dr. Markus Bambach
- Prof. Dr. Filippo Coletti
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Mohr
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller
- Prof. Dr. Melanie Zeilinger
- 1 doctoral student: Gabriel Pulver
Master in Micro- and Nanosystems:
- Prof. Dr. Bradley Nelson
- Prof. Dr. Christofer Hierold
- Prof. Dr. Janos Vörös (ITET)
Master in Process Engineering:
all tutors
Master in Robotics, Systems and Control:
all tutors
Master in Nuclear Engineering:
D-MAVT representatives in the core group:
- Prof. Dr. Annalisa Manera
The Room Commission discusses room requests and all substantial space changes. It is composed of one representative each of every institute, all single chairs, the academic middle management and students and is chaired by a member of the Department Executive Board. All requests have to be launched over the Single Point of Contact (SPOC): Tobias Brendgens.
Delegate of Space:
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Sansavini
- IMES: Prof. Dr. Edoardo Mazza
- IDSC: Prof. Dr. Christopher Onder
- IEPE: Prof. Dr. Romain Quidant
- IFD: Prof. Dr. Filippo Coletti
- IRIS: Prof. Dr. Bradley Nelson
- IDMF: Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt
- IVP: Prof. Dr. Dirk Mohr
- representative of the independent professorships: Prof. Dr. Christofer Hierold
- representatives of the academic middle management: Daniel Biri
- student representative: M. Maligec
A Committee for Tenure and Promotion is convened on an ad hoc basis. It is composed of at least four representatives of the professors elected by the Professors’ Conference. The committee discusses tenure of all tenure track assistant professors, promotions of assistant to associate and of associate to full professors, as well as nominations for titular professorships.
- Prof. Dr. Emilio Frazzoli
- Prof. Dr. Annalisa Manera
- Prof. Dr. Edoardo Mazza
- Prof. Dr. Mirko Meboldt
- Prof. Dr. Dirk Mohr
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Müller
- Prof. Dr. Romain Quidant
- Prof. Dr. Aldo Steinfeld
Depending on the research area, further experts can be called in. The Professors' Conference decides on the chairperson of every respective committee.
The task of the Sustainability Commission is to set sustainability targets based on the best available data, to develop measures, and to monitor and report on the outcome of their implementation. The goals of those measures are:
- to reduce emissions and to improve sustainability;
- to improve our knowledge on the subject of sustainability;
- to promote exchange on sustainability issues within ETH.
Such measures should impact all areas (i.e., teaching, research, and operations) with the goal of reducing emissions significantly and measurably by 2030, as well as of fostering sustainability in a way that can benefit society.
- five representatives of the professors of the department:
Prof. Dr. Annalisa Manera (lead)
Prof. Dr. Filippo Coletti
Prof. Dr. Edoardo Mazza
Prof. Dr. Bradley Nelson
Prof. Dr. Sotiris E. Pratsinis
- two representatives of the scientific staff:
Carl Hemprich
Simon Muntwiler - two student representatives:
T. Csokona
- two representatives of the administrative and technical staff of the department may also be part of the Sustainability Commission:
Christian Schürch
The Department Conference may expand the Sustainability Commission depending on the subject matter. Members of the faculty of the department as well as members of the scientific staff and students who are not members of D-MAVT can also be included in an advisory capacity.
An inclusive, diverse and equitable environment is nowadays essential for excellence in research and teaching. The goal of the EDI (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) Commission is to create an environment at D-MAVT for study and research where all people feel welcome and which allows them to flourish. The focus is on creating cultural and environment change; it is less about rules, processes or statistics.
- Prof. Dr. Kristina Shea (co-lead)
- Prof. Dr. Melanie Zeilinger (co-lead)
- Marie-Luce Baudelet
- Prof. Dr. Filippo Coletti
- Dr. Inken De Wit
- Dr. Börte Emiroglu
- Silvia Häfliger
- Mercedeh Hosseinalipour
- Dr. Céline Labouesse
- Prof. Dr. Salvador Pané Vidal
- Dr. Marianne Schmid Daners
- Klara Subaric
- Prof. Dr. Mark Tibbitt
- Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Tilley
- Dr. Maddalena Velonà