Sustainability Fund

D-MAVT uses the Sustainability Fund to support projects and activities that reduce the department's carbon footprint or otherwise promote sustainability, e.g. through education or outreach. Applications for funding are open to all members and units of the department. The fund is fed by an offsetting levy on CO2 emissions caused by air travel by D-MAVT staff.

The maximum funding per project is CHF 10,000. The maximum budget for student projects (specialisation projects, Master's and Bachelor’s theses) is CHF 2,000/student, with an upper limit of CHF 10,000/project.

Application procedure

Applications are accepted by the D-MAVT Sustainability Commission four times a year. Deadlines: 31 January, 30 April, 31 July, and 31 October.

Student project proposals must be supported by a D-MAVT professor who signs the proposal.

Download Template D-MAVT Sustainability Fund (DOTX, 33 KB)


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