Focus Rollout

At the Focus Rollout, Bachelor students present the results of two semesters' of project work.

In the fifth and sixth semesters of their Bachelor's program, students at D-MAVT can deepen and apply their knowledge in so-called focus projects. Their task is to implement new technological approaches from research into future-oriented products. The student teams have one year to develop a prototype. The spectrum of topics is wide - ranging from manufacturing processes and drive systems for vehicles and aircraft to robotics and medical technology. The project ideas are developed jointly by teachers and students, sometimes in collaboration with industrial partners.

In addition to the technical challenges, the students have to master working in a team and develop skills that they have not yet acquired during their studies. They jointly go through the process from the project idea and design studies to finding sponsors and production. Just like later in their professional lives, they have to solve various problems in order to create a functional prototype by the end of the sixth semester. To round of their projects, the students present the results of their work at the Focus Rollout.

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Impressions Focus Rollout 2024

Focus Rollout 2025
28 May 2025


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