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«Der Traum wird Wirklichkeit»

Could this new tech stop your glasses from fogging up?

The Hottest Startups in Zurich in 2024

What if robots had artificial muscles?

Jeff Bezos investiert Millionen in Zürcher Start-up

Dodo auf Wanderschaft

This robot fish could one day change how our oceans are studied

This New Air-Deflecting Shield Allows Athletes To Run Like The Unimpeded Wind

New Electrolyte Design Could Significantly Boost Range of Electric Vehicles

Schweizer Startup nimmt Grossanlage für umweltfreundliches Flugbenzin in Betrieb

New heat pump technology could revolutionize industrial heating

CO2 aus der Luft filtern

ETH-Forschende entwickeln einen hüpfenden Weltraumroboter

How to harvest moisture from the atmosphere

Kohlendioxid - ab unter die Erde

Swiss Robotics Day 2023 in Zürich

Die Schweiz baut richtig gute Solarmobile

Another weapon to fight climate change? Put carbon back where we found it