Study at D-MAVT
The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) welcomes exchange students from other universities at D-MAVT!

Teaching, research and innovation
Our mission and our aspirations
The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) offers a leading international scientific environment. We conduct research into solutions for the societal challenges of our time. Our research focuses on the application fields of innovative production, mobility and transportation, medical technologies and sustainable energy. Numerous patents and spin-offs are evidence of the strong culture of innovation at D-MAVT. We prepare our students for excellence in science and for leadership positions in industry.
Study plan:
- You choose courses from the course catalogue based on the following criteria: language of instruction, prerequisites, type of performance assessment (end-of-semester or session examination)
Important information regarding the course catalogue:
- There are more courses offered during the Fall Semester than during the Spring Semester
- If the catalogue for a future semester is not published yet, you may assume that the offer will be similar to that of the previous year
- Most courses for exchange students are offered in the third year of the Bachelor's and in the first year of the Master's Programs
- Courses in the categories "Compulsory Courses of Bachelor’s studies", "Focus Project" and "Industrial Internship" are not available to exchange students due to space limitations
- Incoming students may attend Bachelor’s courses for the category “Electives” and “Focus Specialization” and Master’s courses at D-MAVT.
- Electives in Spring Semester and in Autumn Semester
- Focus Specialization in Spring Semester and in Autumn Semester
- Exchange students may also choose courses from other departments or programs. However, two-thirds of the courses (ETCS credits) must be completed at D-MAVT (see courses with the numbers 151-XXXX)
- Some courses require the successful completion of previous courses
Language of instruction
The language of instruction at Bachelor level is German (only in the fifth and sixth semester certain courses are taught in English). The Master level is taught in English. The language of instruction is noted for each course in the course catalogue. Choose your courses according to the language. D-MAVT requires students to demonstrate of language ability in English or German to level C1.
Exchange students may participate in research projects at ETH Zurich. There are special project course units for exchange students for 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 60 ECTS credits. You can register for a course unit in myStudies that corresponds to the credits of your project. The pre-established submission deadline in myStudies won’t be changed by D-MAVT if the deadline remains within the same semester.
Those who wish to pursue a research project at ETH Zurich are responsible themselves for organizing an appropriate project and a supervisor from an institute or laboratory. A list of projects is published on the homepage of institutes and laboratories. A project application will only be considered if an ETH Zurich supervisor provides confirmation that they will supervise the project. This list of professors at D-MAVT contains all potential institutes and professorships.
After arriving in Switzerland, the students should contact the D-MAVT student exchange in order to discuss the details of their semester courses.
Before exchange students leave ETH Zurich, they must request a copy of their transcript from the D-MAVT student exchange. The D-MAVT student exchange prepares a performance assessment, in German or English, which outlines the attended courses, the performance results, ECTS credit points awarded, and also gives an explanation of the grading scale. Upon request, a short summary of the course contents will also be included (Diploma Supplement, extract from the ETH course catalogue).
Student exchange
Contact Student Exchange (appointments upon request)
ETH Zurich
Leonhardstrasse 21
LEE K 206