Code of Conduct
At the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, we foster a culture of mutual respect. Our aim is to create an environment in which everyone feels valued - students, teaching staff and employees. Our community benefits from diversity. Discrimination and exclusion have no place here. Treating different perspectives with respect helps us to better develop our potential as individuals and as a community.

The ETH Zurich Code of Conduct Respect serves as a guideline.
EDI Commission
The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Commission was established at D-MAVT in 2021. Its members come from all areas - from students to administrative and technical staff to professors. It bundles the various departmental activities and develops new ideas to question and change historically grown structures and circumstances.
Diversity at ETH Zürich
chevron_right ETH Diversity (Staffnet)Support when faced with inappropriate behaviour or conflict
Inappropriate behaviour is not tolerated. Contact us so that we can support you.
Contact persons at D-MAVT
All members of the department management at the D-MAVT are available to you as contact persons.
Clarification Office at ETH Zurich
Resolve conflicts or address inappropriate behaviour
Are you an employee of ETH Zurich and have experienced a conflict in your workplace or within your team? Or have you experienced sexual harassment, discrimination or bullying? We offer support if you want to systematically resolve the situation with the parties involved. We can initiate a structured resolution process and support you throughout the process.
External Advice and Conciliation Service
Topics: Bullying, harassment and discrimination
Phone: +41 44 450 10 16
external page Website Fachstelle Mobbing
Safety, security, health & environment department (SSHE)
Topics: threats and violence
Website SSHE Services
Ombudspersons and trusted intermediaries at ETH Zurich
Topics: Difficulties and conflicts in the workplace or in studies, integrity in research, bullying, harassment, discrimination, and other
Ombudspersons and trusted intermediaries