Become a climate innovation expert
Building a zero-carbon economy and climate resilient society needs people skilled to initiate and lead change processes. The Climate-KIC Master Label Program aims to empower the next generation of climate leaders.

The Climate-KIC Master Label Program gives future climate experts the opportunity to develop entrepreneurial skills and adds extra value to your Master’s Degree.
Discover how the latest climate change science is being transformed into new products and services. Examine market drivers of climate innovation and explore the potential for launching your own start-up business. Providing knowledge and skills to develop impact-driven business models to tackle the challenges of climate change is at the core of the Climate-KIC Master Label Program.
The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering offers the additional Climate-KIC Label for several of its Master programs: MSc Mechanical Engineering, MSc Micro and Nanosystems, MSc Process Engineering and MSc Robotics, Systems and Control. Upon successful completion of the Climate-KIC Master Label Program, you will receive a Climate-KIC certificate in addition to your regular degree.