Research for a more environmentally friendly industry

Noémie Martin, a postdoctoral researcher at the Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory at ETH Zurich, wants to enhance the performance of industrial parts while reducing their environmental impact. She explores how to strategically combine different metal alloys in additive manufacturing processes.
Antonio Gasós receives the 2025 Inflection Award

Antonio Gasós, a doctoral student at the Separation Processes Laboratory within the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, has received the Inflection Award for his research on CO2 storage in mineral materials.
Una Trivanovic receives GAeF PhD Award

Una Trivanovic, a former doctoral student at the Particle Technology Laboratory under Professor Sotiris Pratsinis, has been awarded the GAeF PhD Award by the Association for Aerosol Research (GAeF) for her outstanding doctoral thesis.
A pioneer in nanoscale manufacturing research

Reflecting on his 27 years at D-MAVT, Sotiris Pratsinis recalls his students' successes in nanoparticle research and looks back on his time as department head. As he nears retirement, his essentials for a productive day will remain strong Swiss coffee and a laptop.
New professors at D-MAVT – for mobile robotics and solar energy technology

Stefan Leutenegger and Kent Warren have been appointed professors in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, effective 1 April 2025.
«Der Traum wird Wirklichkeit»
Die Weltwoche, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld, Spin-offs Climeworks und Synhelion
From micro-robots in the bloodstream to the rover on Mars

On the occasion of the "International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2025", we were able to conduct an interview with D-MAVT alumna Noah Zegna Rothenberger. Noah is a robotics engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA. In this interview, she talks about her career in robotics and why she is excited about using robots in extreme environments - whether it is in blood vessels or on Mars.
ETH Zurich Spin-off Report 2024: Successful outcome for D-MAVT

The recently published ETH Zurich Spin-off Report 2024 shows the innovative strength of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Of the 37 ETH spin-offs last year, 9 came from the D-MAVT. A total of 119 companies have emerged from the department - this corresponds to 20 percent of all ETH spin-offs.
ETH medals for outstanding doctoral theses

Seven doctoral students from the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering have been awarded the ETH Zurich Silver Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses. The awards were presented by Rector Günther Dissertori during the graduation ceremony on Friday, January 24, 2025, in the Paul Scherrer Lecture Hall at ETH Zurich.
Kristina Shea joins Innosuisse Board

Kristina Shea, Professor of Engineering Design and Computing in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, has been elected to the Board of Innosuisse, the Swiss innovation agency. The Federal Council elected Shea as a new board member for the term 2025 to 2028.
Charles Dorn to become Assistant Professor

Charles Dorn, postdoctoral researcher at the Mechanics and Materials Laboratory under Professor Dennis Kochmann in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been appointed as Assistant Professor at the University of Washington.
Anybotics raises $60M to bring more autonomous industrial robots to the US

TechCrunch, Spin-off Anybotics
National Prize for Open Research Data

Elizabeth Tilley, Professor of Global Health Engineering at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, and her team have been awarded the National ORD Prize 2024 by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences for their research project «openwashdata».
Learning how to solve problems

Around 80 female students from all over Switzerland had the opportunity to gain insights into electrical engineering and mechanical engineering for a day on 28 November 2024. Organized by the student association LIMES, the program of this year's "Schülerinnentag" included numerous lectures and lab visits.
Prototypes for Humanity Award

The ANGIE research project was honored with the «Prototypes for Humanity Award» in the «Health» category. At the Multi-Scale Robotics Lab of the D-MAVT, Fabian Landers and his team are developing magnetically controlled microcapsules that precisely release drugs in the human body.
Highly Cited Researchers from D-MAVT

Maria Lukatskaya, Professor of Electrochemical Energy Systems, and André Bardow, Professor for Energy and Process Systems Engineering, have both been recognized as Highly Cited Researchers in 2024 by global information service provider Clarivate.
Yu Zhang appointed as Assistant Professor

Yu Zhang, postdoctoral researcher at the Engineering Design and Computing Laboratory in Professor Kristina Shea's group at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been appointed as assistant professor at the University of Cambridge.
Golden Owl 2024 for Raoul Hopf

Raoul Hopf, a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Mechanical Systems at ETH Zurich, has been awarded the Golden Owl 2024 for his outstanding teaching in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.
Walter Fust appointed to ETH Board of Honour

At this year's ETH Day on 16 November 2024, ETH President Joël Mesot appointed alumnus Walter Fust to the Honorary Board of ETH Zurich. Fust studied mechanical engineering at ETH and founded the electrical retail company Dipl. Ing. Fust AG.
ABB Research Prize 2024 for Tom Terlouw

Tom Terlouw has been awarded the ABB Research Prize 2024 for his doctoral thesis ”Techno-economic and environmental assessment of low-carbon energy systems”.
Talent and serendipity

Taking a position at ETH Zurich was the most important decision in his professional life. Marco Mazzotti is still convinced of this today. Now, at the end of January 2025, he will retire, and he already knows that he will greatly miss the exchange with young researchers and the work on challenging scientific questions.
COMITES award for Vicentiti and Cattaneo

Francesco Vicentini and Marco Cattaneo, doctoral students at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, have received the COMITES award for scientific excellence within Italian community in Zurich. COMITES are representative bodies of the Italian community, elected by Italians residing abroad in each consular district.
Could this new tech stop your glasses from fogging up?
BBC News, Dr. Iwan Hächler
The Hottest Startups in Zurich in 2024
Wired, Prof. Bradley Nelson, Spin-off Nanoflex Robotics
Dandelion Award for Inge Herrmann

Inge Herrmann, Professor of Nanoparticle Systems, has been awarded the Dandelion Award for her outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich and beyond. She readily connects people, encourages students to launch start-ups and is a scientific advisor to several spin-offs from her lab.
Semester starts with record numbers

720 new bachelor students at D-MAVT – 24 percent growth compared to last year
Maini wins Swiss Physical Society Award

Lucrezia Maini has been awarded the Swiss Physical Society Award 2024 in the Computational Physics category for her doctoral research on acoustic metamaterials to measure temperature with ultrasound for implantable applications.
Stefano Moret receives ERC Grant

Stefano Moret, Ambizione Fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant for five years and 1.5 million euros. His research project, UNITES, aims to integrate uncertainties into energy and climate models in order to define a more reliable energy policy in the face of unforeseeable future scenarios. UNITES is hosted by the Energy & Process Systems Engineering (EPSE) laboratory, headed by Prof André Bardow.
What if robots had artificial muscles?
Reuters, Soft Robotics Lab, Thomas Buchner; Max Planck Institut
Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize 2024

Paolo Ermanni receives the Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize 2024. This prize, awarded by the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME), recognizes outstanding contributions in the field of adaptive structures and material systems
De Lorenzis receives the IACM Fellows Award

Laura De Lorenzis, Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been awarded the IACM Fellows Award by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). The award recognizes her outstanding contributions to the field of computational mechanics.
Jeff Bezos investiert Millionen in Zürcher Start-up
Tagesanzeiger, Prof. Dr. Marco Hutter, Spin-off Swiss Mile
Dodo auf Wanderschaft
Der Spiegel, Prof. Marco Hutter
This robot fish could one day change how our oceans are studied
CNN, Prof. Dr. Robert Katzschmann
This New Air-Deflecting Shield Allows Athletes To Run Like The Unimpeded Wind
wonderfulengineering.com, Prof. Dr. Melanie Zeilinger
Renewable fuels with excellent environmental profile

New synfuels can be used directly in today's vehicles
New Electrolyte Design Could Significantly Boost Range of Electric Vehicles
Technology Networks, Prof. Dr. Maria Lukatskaya, Nathan Hong
Aldo Steinfeld's commitment to sustainability honored

Aldo Steinfeld, Head of the Renewable Energy Carriers Group at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, has been awarded the Yogi and Lovely Goswami Achievement Award in Energy and Sustainability.
AI boost for D-MAVT

Mark Fuge has been appointed Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Design in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Starting 1 July 2024, he will strengthen the Department’s use of AI in technical design and product development processes.
Schweizer Startup nimmt Grossanlage für umweltfreundliches Flugbenzin in Betrieb
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Spin-off Synhelion, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld
New heat pump technology could revolutionize industrial heating
Knowridge Science Report, Prof. André Bardow, Dr. Dennis Roskosch
Outstanding doctoral thesis

Moritz Flaschel, former doctoral student of the Computational Mechanics Group led by Professor Laura De Lorenzis, receives numerous awards for his dissertation.
Stahl mit Sonnenlicht schmelzen? Schweizer Forschern gelingt grosser Durchbruch
Focus Online, Professor Aldo Steinfeld
Quantum Center Master Award
"INSPIRE Potentials -- Quantum Center Master Award" -- We invite female students looking to conduct a Master‘s project in a research group of the Quantum Center to apply. Deadline: 1 July 2024.
Avatar Robotics
Learn tele-robotics from an expert. Create an account and start today.
CO2 aus der Luft filtern
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Spin-off Climeworks AG
Supporting students is a fulfilling task

ETH Zurich runs like a red thread through Paolo Ermanni's life. He first studied mechanical engineering here before returning as a professor in 1998. In this interview, he looks back on 26 eventful years in teaching and research.
Roland Siegwart achieves top ranking

Roland Siegwart is honored by the academic platform research.com in the field of mechanical and aerospace engineering as well as in the field of electronics and electrical engineering.
ETH-Forschende entwickeln einen hüpfenden Weltraumroboter
Nau, Research project Space Hopper
ETH Medal and Willi Studer Prize 2024

The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering has awarded 12 Master's students with the ETH Medal and five with the Willi Studer Prize. The awards for their outstanding achievements were presented during the Master's Ceremony 2024.
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Patrick Benito Eberhard, Teresa Sánchez-Robles Herrero and Max Schaldach received the «Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award» of the D-MAVT for the fall semester 2023.
Kannan and Karapiperis appointed professors

Konstantinos Karapiperis and Vignesh Kannan, both postdoctoral researchers in Professor Dennis Kochmann's lab at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, have been appointed professors.
How to harvest moisture from the atmosphere
The Economist, Prof. Dimos Poulikakos
Manera and Hutter appointed members of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences

Annalisa Manera and Marco Hutter, professors at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich have been elected full members of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.
Faster to the target – new microrobotic catheter to improve the treatment of strokes

A new magnetically controlled microrobot helps navigate catheters faster and more accurately in brain surgery. Its unique surface structure improves catheter guidance in tortuous blood vessels. This tech aids emergency stroke or aneurysm surgeries, enhancing patient recovery chances.
Collected and courageous

For 24 years, Ulrike Schlachter steered the fortunes of D-MAVT as Department Coordinator. Since September 2023, Karin Werer and Maddalena Velonà have been gradually taking over from her. In this interview, they talk about their lessons from the past and plans for the future.
Best rated courses FS2023

Students give teaching in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering a very good rating. The department is pleased about the excellent teaching performance in the spring semester 2023.
Kohlendioxid - ab unter die Erde
Finanz und Wirtschaft, Spin-off Climeworks AG
Outstanding doctoral theses 2023

Eight doctoral students at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering received the ETH Silver Medal for their outstanding doctoral theses.
How to beat the heat in cities through urban climate modelling

Jan Carmeliet and Dominique Derome recently wrote a comment paper on invitation by Nature Reviews Physics. In the paper, they explain how computational fluid dynamics can help with designing more sustainable cities.
Schülerinnen*tag 2023

Each year, around 80 young women* from high schools from all over Switzerland take part in the Schülerinnen*tag, organized by the student organisation LIMES. During this all-day event, the participants do a campus tour, visit a couple of labs, and receive first-hand information about the study programmes in electrical and mechanical engineering.
Lukatskaya recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher

Maria Lukatskaya, Professor of Electrochemical Energy Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been recognized again as a Highly Cited Researcher in 2023 by global information service provider Clarivate.
Semester / Bachelor or Master’s thesis
Signode Switzerland GmbH, Dietikon 1, Switzerland
Stanley Corrsin Award for George Haller

George Haller, Professor at the Institute for Mechanical Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering of ETH Zurich, received the Stanley Corrsin Award 2023 by the American Physical Society (APS).
Konrad Wegener receives Golden Owl 2023

Konrad Wegener, Professor Emeritus for Machine Tools and Manufacturing at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the Golden Owl for his excellent teaching. The Owl is awarded by the student association of ETH Zurich (VSETH) and honors particularly committed teachers.
Karen Bodie receives ABB Research Prize 2023

Karen Bodie was awarded the ABB Research Prize 2023 on the ETH Day. She received the award for her doctoral thesis „Omnidirectional Tilt-Rotor Flying Robots for Aerial Physical Interaction: Modelling, Control, Design and Experiments“.
Excellence scholarship for Mastroddi and Muttoni

Giacomo Matteo Mastroddi and Marco Muttoni, Bachelor’s graduates from the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receive an excellence scholarship from the Fondazione Nizzola. With this scholarship, the foundation supports students from Ticino who are studying for a Master's degree at ETH Zurich or the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI).
Why the Student Project House is looking for more women

More female students in the Student Project House - that's what Rafael von Sury and Serena Stefanoni want to achieve. In the interview they talk about why this is important to them and introduce women in video portraits who already make use of the SPH.
ASAIO Abstract Award for Magkoutas

Konstantinos Magkoutas, former postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT), has been awarded the 2023 ASAIO Top Biomedical Engineering Abstract Award.
Swiss Robotics Day 2023 in Zürich

SRF «Schweiz Aktuell», Prof. Roland Siegwart, Prof. Robert Katzschmann
Die Schweiz baut richtig gute Solarmobile
SRF 1 - 10 vor 10, aCentauri Solar Racing
Scholarship for excellent Master’s students
Eight Master’s students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering receive scholarships from the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme of ETH Zurich.
Dandelion Award for Ahmed

Professor Daniel Ahmed, head of the Acoustic Robotics for Life Sciences and Healthcare Group at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been awarded the Dandelion Award for his outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich and beyond.
Another weapon to fight climate change? Put carbon back where we found it

National Geographic, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld, Climeworks AG
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award – FS 2023

Andrea Veciana and Maximilian Eberlein receive the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Maximilian Eberlein is being recognized for his outstanding performance in the course Introduction to Quantum Mechanics for Engineers during the spring semester 2023. Andrea Veciana is honored for the Nanorobotics course.
Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2023 - Best examination block B

The students Jonas Bauer, Gino Kreis, Alexandros Ntakoulas, Gabriele Piovan and Justin Weiss receive the Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award for the best examination block B in the examination session Summer 2023. Congratulations!
Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2023 - Best Bachelor's degrees

The Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award for the best Bachelor's degrees issued between 1 October 2022 and 2 October 2023 goes to Patrick Eberhard Benito, Laurent Hoffmann, André Muff, Roland Stärk and Emma Steinke. Congratulations!
Aurel Stodola Medal for Jennifer A. Lewis

Jennifer A. Lewis has been awarded the Aurel Stodola Medal 2023 by the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. At the award ceremony, the Harvard professor presented her groundbreaking research on the 3D printing of soft and living matter.
Stanley Corrsin Award for George Haller

George Haller, Professor at the Institute for Mechanical Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering of ETH Zurich, received the Stanley Corrsin Award 2023 by the American Physical Society (APS).
From focus project to world record

Every year, students invest many hours in developing and constructing the focus project Formula Student Electric at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT). Now their efforts have paid off. The racing car “mythen” they initially helped develop has broken the world acceleration record.
Emilio Frazzoli new chairman of the Center for Sustainable Future Mobility

Emilio Frazzoli, Professor of Dynamic Systems and Control, is the new chairperson of the Center for Sustainable Future Mobility (CSFM). He takes over the role from Professor Kay Axhausen, who will retire early next year.
What do I want to study?

At the ETH information days, the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering introduced prospective students to the broad field of mechanical engineering.
Wasserstoff-Lkw von Gebrüder Weiss bringt Solarmobil der ETH Zürich auf den Weg

Wirtschaftszeit.at, Focus project aCentauri
Scientists build better nets to turn fog into usable water
Weather Network, Prof. Thomas Schutzius
Voliro erleichtert risikoreiche Arbeiten in der Höhe – mit Drohnen
Bilanz, Spin-off Voliro AG
Robo-Gecko: Dieser Roboter läuft an der Decke

t3n, Focus project Magnecko
Better together

The positive impact of transdisciplinary and cross-institutional collaboration on medical solutions is demonstrated by a project involving Julian Wolf, a doctoral student at ETH Zurich, working together with Florentin Liebman and Marco von Atzigen from the University of Zurich/Balgrist.
«Die Schweiz ist der Tigerstaat im Werkzeugmaschinenbau»

Schweizer Maschinenmarkt, Prof. Konrad Wegener
Pané i Vidal appointed member of the Institute of Catalan Studies

Salvador Pané i Vidal, Professor of Materials for Robotics at the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems and Co-Director of the Multi-Scale Robotics Lab, appointed corresponding member of the Institute of Catalan Studies in the Section of Sciences and Technology.
Researchers from the Autonomous Systems Lab honored at ICRA

Roland Siegwart, head of the Autonomous Systems Lab (ASL), and Samir Bouabdallah received the Most Influential Paper Award at ICRA 2023. Andrei Cramariuc, also from ASL, won the Hilti Multi-Session SLAM Challenge.
Schweizer Erfindungen könnten das Ende des WCs bedeuten

Blick, Prof. Elizabeth Tilley
European Control Award for Melanie Zeilinger

Melanie Zeilinger, Professor at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering of ETH Zurich, received the European Control Award 2023.
Saporischja ist nicht Tschernobyl

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Prof. Annalisa Manera
Gorji appointed Assistant Professor at USC

Hossein Gorji, former doctoral student with Professor Patrick Jenny at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, has been appointed Adjunct Research Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California (USC).
Awards for doctoral students at the MaP Graduate Symposium 2023

At the MaP Graduate Symposium 2023, four doctoral students from the D-MAVT received awards for their research. Awards went to Oscar Cipolato, Anna De Vries, Yannik Glauser, and Sonja Schreiner.
Markus Bambach new Vice Rector for Study Programs

Markus Bambach, Professor of Advanced Manufacturing at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT), will assume the position of Vice Rector for Study Programs at ETH Zurich as of 1 July 2023.
Mit diesem Stück Stoff spüren Sie den virtuellen Vogel auf dem Arm
Spiegel Online, Focus project MetaSuit
Swiss Nanotechnology PhD Prize 2023 for Iwan Hächler

Iwan Hächler has been awarded the "Swiss Nanotechnology PhD Prize 2023" by the Swiss Micro- and Nanotechnology Network. He is a former doctoral student at Professor Dimos Poulikakos’ Laboratory of Thermodynamics in Emerging Technologies.
Zardini appointed Assistant Professor at MIT

Gioele Zardini, doctoral student with Professor Emilio Frazzoli at the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, has been appointed Assistant Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Robots, race cars and recycling - that was the Focus Rollout 2023

Thirteen teams, nine months, countless hours of work. With an exhibition and presentations on 30 May 2023, the third-year Bachelor’s students of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering presented their Focus Projects.