Johann Puch Automotive Award

Felix Maximilian Neuhauser gewinnt den zweiten Platz beim Johann Puch Award verliehen durch Magna Steyr.

Enlarged view: Max Neuhauser
Maximilian Neuhauser at the award ceremony of the Johann Puch Automotive Awards 2018

Felix Maximilian Neuhauser wins second place at the Johann Puch Award presented by Magna Steyr. He received his education at ETH Zurich at the Institute for Virtual Production of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. He focused his Master’s studies on the finite element modelling of deep drawing processes in combination with stochastic analyses for robustness and optimality estimation. With an average grade of 5.93, Neuhauser is also among the winners of the ETH Medal 2018.

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Johann Puch Automotive Award - Felix Maximilian Neuhauser
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