«Matratzen-Sandwich» für Corona-Patienten soll Pflegende entlasten
derbund.ch, Julian Ferchow
Lopez-Loreta Prize 2020
Jochen Mueller, former doctoral student in the Engineering Design and Computing Laboratory of Professor Kristina Shea at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, was awarded the Lopez-Loreta Prize.
Grosses Potenzial für Power-to-Gas
energate-messenger.ch, Dr. Andreas Haselbacher, Energy Science Center
ETH Zurich develops technique for creating metal-polymer micromachines
GlobalSpec Engineering360, Prof. Salvador Pané i Vidal
Hilti Prize 2020
Seraina Anne Dual, former doctoral student in the Product Development Group of Professor Mirko Meboldt at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the Hilti Prize.
Engineering to make the world a better place
Inspiring young women for engineering sciences: That is the goal of the taster day for schoolgirls. More than 40 girls participated in the online event on 23 November to find out more about studying at the Departments of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) and Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET).
Thomas Schutzius receives Golden Owl 2020
Thomas Schutzius, Professor and Head of the Laboratory for Multiphase Thermofluidics and Surface Nanoengineering at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the Golden Owl for excellent teaching. The Owl is awarded by the students association of ETH Zurich (VSETH) and honors exceptional teaching.
Duckietown goes online to teach autonomous systems
The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering takes the lead in developing online courses on Duckietown. With the help of toy-sized self-driving vehicles and their rubber duck passengers, participants will gain deeper insights into autonomous vehicles and their real-world application.
Macht Weltneuheit den Axen sicher?
bote.ch, Prof. Roland Siegwart, Prof. Marco Hutter