Mirko Meboldt new acatech member

Mirko Meboldt, Professor of Product Development and Design at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been invited to join the German Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech).
Wie kommen wir raus aus der Spirale Verschärfungen - Lockerung - erneute Verschärfung? Was rettet uns über die Zeit, bis die Impfkampagne wirkt?

SRF Rundschau, Prof. Patrick Jenny
Sevensense-Mitgründer lobt Robotikstandort Schweiz
punkt4.info, Prof. Roland Siegwart, Spin-off Sevensense
Virtual exchange for doctoral students

In times of working remotely and social distancing, personal exchange and networking opportunities often fall by the wayside. The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) has thus launched the doctoral student event "DocS@MAVT" in a virtual format. With success! More than 270 people participated in the event.
Beneficial for humans and environment

Elizabeth Tilley has been appointed Associate Professor of Global Health Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Starting on 1 February 2021, the 41-year-old Canadian will contribute with her expertise to building up the new field of global engineering science at ETH Zurich.