Special award for doctoral students
The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering honored Julia Gerber, Raphael Glaesener, and Chi Zhang for their outstanding doctoral theses in memory of Amir Ashrafi Habibabadi. Habibabadi, a doctoral student at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics, tragically died in 2020.
At the award ceremony on 2 December 2021, Patrick Jenny, Professor at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics, remembered Amir Ashrafi Habibabadi and his wife, Fatemeh Ghasemi. Habibabadi and his wife died in a tragic airplane incident on 8 January 2020. Jenny had served as supervisor for Habibabadi's research.

The honored doctoral students were carefully selected by the department, as Professor Dennis Kochmann, Deputy Head of D-MAVT, explained.
The awards go to Julia Gerber, a doctoral student with Professor Dimos Poulikakos, for her thesis on the topic of “Wetting, Drying and Bouncing of Drops on Soft Materials”; Raphael Glaesener, a doctoral student with Professor Dennis Kochmann, for this thesis on the topic “Modeling Metamaterials»; and Chi Zhang, a doctoral student with Professor Jan Carmeliet, for his thesis “Hygromechanics and Shape Memory of Wood Cell Wall Investigated with Multiscale Modeling”. All three briefly presented their research at the award ceremony.
To conclude the event, Ehsan Hassanpour Yesaghi shared personal memories of his late friend Amir.