Robots, race cars and recycling - that was the Focus Rollout 2023

Thirteen teams, nine months, countless hours of work. With an exhibition and presentations on 30 May 2023, the third-year Bachelor’s students of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering presented their Focus Projects.
Edward N. Lorenz Early Career Award for Tiemo Pedergnana

Tiemo Pedergnana has been awarded the "2022 Edward N. Lorenz Early Career Award" from the AIP Journal Chaos. He is a doctoral student at Professor Nicolas Noiray’s laboratory of Combustion and Acoustics for Power and Propulsion Systems.
Dieser Forscher stört die Umwelt nicht

20 Minuten, Focus project SURF-eDNA
"Machine tool is cool"

Spin-offs, focus projects, industrial partnerships: Konrad Wegener has made a lot of things happen in his 20 years at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. His approach has been to tackle problems courageously and to solve them. Konrad Wegener will retire at the end of July 2023.
Schweizer CO2-Staubsauger in Island wird ausgebaut

Handelszeitung, Spin-off Climeworks, Prof. Marco Mazzotti
Chen appointed to Fudan University
Xiangzhong Chen, former senior researcher in the Multi-Scale Robotics Lab at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, was appointed Associate Professor of Ferroic Materials for Smart Biodevices at Fudan University.
ETH Medal and Willi Studer Prize 2023

The Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering has awarded nine Master’s students with the ETH Medal and six with the Willi Studer Prize. The awards for their outstanding achievements were presented during the Master's Ceremony 2023.