Aurel Stodola Lecture

Mit den Aurel Stodola Lectures wird an das Leben und Werk von
Download ETH-Professor Aurel Stodola erinnert, der im frühen 20. Jahrhundert durch seine Arbeit über angewandte Thermodynamik eine ganze Generation von Ingenieuren weltweit beeinflusst hat. Das Departement Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik (D-MAVT) hat Prof. Jennifer Lewis als Laureat 2023 der Aurel Stodola Lecture gewählt.
Hinweis: Einige der folgenden Informationen sind nur in Englisch verfügbar.
Prof. Jennifer Lewis
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University
Printing Soft and Living Matter in Three Dimensions
Ideas have long been communicated by printing images and words onto surfaces. Now, it is possible to rapidly transform ideas into designs that can be printed into three-dimensional objects.
In her talk, Jennifer Lewis will describe the fundamental principles that guide the design of printable soft and living materials. She will then introduce new inks and multi-material printheads for direct and embedded printing of architected soft matter with spatially controlled composition and mechanics. Finally, she will highlight recent efforts to create vascularized human tissues through the tight integration of stem cell biology, organoid differentiation, and bioprinting. Though broadly applicable, she will focus mainly on engineering cardiac tissue across multiple scales.
Bisherige Preisträger
- 2022 Prof. Hod Lipson, Columbia University
- 2021 Prof. Dr. Detlef Lohse, University of Twente
- 2019 Prof. Dr. Ares J. Rosakis, California Institute of Technology
- 2018 Prof. Gang Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 2017 Prof. Franklin Orr, Stanford University
- 2016 Prof. Rolf D. Reitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- 2015 Prof. Mauro Ferrari, Houston Methodist Hospital
- 2014 Prof. Michael S. Triantafyllou, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 2013 Prof. Nobuhide Kasagi, University of Tokyo
- 2012 Prof. Mark Davis, California Institute of Technology
- 2011 Prof. Gerhart Eigenberger, University of Stuttgart
- 2010 Prof. Arun Majumdar, US Department of Energy, ARPA-E
- 2009 Prof. George Stephanopoulous, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- 2008 Prof. John H. Seinfeld, California Institute of Technology
- 2007 Prof. Raymond Viskanta, Purdue University
- 2004 Prof. Sheldon K. Friedlander, University of California