Top Women in Robotics 2016: two D-MAVT researchers in the top 25

Robohub, the online platform of the Zurich-based ROBOTS Association, has released the 2016 version of the “25 Top Women in Robotics you need to know about”. Margarita Chli and Simone Schürle are honored in this year's list.

Simone Schürle (l), Margarita Chli

Margarita Chli is an SNF Assistant Professor leading the Vision for Robotics Lab at ETH Zurich and an Honorary Fellow of the University of Edinburgh in the UK. Simone Schürle is the winner of the ETH Zurich Medal 2014 for distinguished doctoral thesis for her PhD work on the magnetic control of microrobots at the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS) at ETH Zurich and currently a Research Fellow at Koch Institute of Integrative Cancer Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

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