Water ring-bouncing on repellent singularities
Soft Matter, Prof. Ilya Karlin
Mini-Roboter in unserem Blut
St. Galler Tagblatt, Prof. Bradley Nelson
Future scientific leaders
Mattia Serra, who recently finished his doctoral studies at the Chair of Nonlinear Dynamics at the Institute for Mechanical Systems, has been selected as one of 14 members of the inaugural class of Schmidt Science Fellows. This fellowship program aims to support the next generation of scientific leaders.
Keine Angst vor Robotern
Migros-Magazin, Prof. Roland Siegwart
Nicolas Noiray receives Hiroshi Tsuji Award
Nicolas Noiray, Assistant Professor and Head of the Combustion and Acoustics for Power and Propulsion Systems Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, is honored with the Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award.
Additive manufacturing in Switzerland
The Product Development Group (PDZ) of ETH Zurich published a study on additive mass production in Switzerland. The publication portrays the technical possibilities of modern additive manufacturing.
4D Printing with Kristina Shea
formlabs.com, Prof. Kristina Shea
Soldaten der Zukunft: Killer-Roboter übernehmen das Töten
SRF 1 Rundschau (Minute 5:47), Prof. Roland Siegwart