Calculating district heating system
St. Gallen is using the Enerpol Framework developed by the Laboratory for Energy Conversion (LEC) at ETH Zurich to expand its district heating network. Enerpol Framework can be used to calculate various future scenarios.
Hieb- und stichfest: So jagten Neandertaler vor 120000 Jahren
Focus, Prof. Jonas Buchli
«Der Drohnenmarkt ist sehr interessant für Zürich»
srf.ch, Prof. Roland Siegwart
ETH Zurich and ZHdK’s sculptural motorbike features a front weel-hub engine
Designboom, Focus project ethec
Verity Studios a levé 18 millions
L`Agefi, Spin-off Verity Studios
ICRA 2018 best student paper
Students from the Autonomous Systems Laboratory led by Roland Siegwart, Professor at the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, won the Best Student Paper Award at the ICRA 2018 in Brisbane.
Lizenz zum Töten
SRF Nano, Prof. Roland Siegwart
Studienwoche 2018
During "ETH Studienwoche 2018”, 4 - 8 June, 30 high school students worked together with students and scientists from the two engineering departments Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) and Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering (D-MAVT).
Die Fettverbrennung im Atem messen
Tages-Anzeiger, Particle Technology Laboratory
Ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung umweltfreundliche Energie
SRF, Prof. Christopher Onder
Best student papers in robotics control
Students from the research group of Jonas Buchli, Professor at the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems, were honored for their papers at international conferences.
Mit dem Paddel durchs Meer
Spektrum.de, Prof. Kristina Shea
Award ETH Medal 2018
In 2018, the following D-MAVT Master students were awarded the ETH Medal: Luciano Beffa, Lukas Fröhlich, Ruben Grandia, Bob Hoffmann, Maximillian Neuhauser, Philippe Scheuber, Pier Giuseppe Sessa, Pius Theiler, Theofanis Tsiantas, Philippe Wenk
Willi Studer Prize 2018
In 2018, the following students from the Department of Mechanical and Process Enginerering were awarded the Willi Studer Prize as top Master’s degree students: Ahn Byeongho, Malyuta Danylo, Thureja Deepankur.
Wie fährt die Schweiz in die Zukunft?
Bulletin.ch, Prof. Konstantin Boulouchos