ETH-Tüftler flitzen im Hyperloop-Wettbewerb auf Platz zwei

nzz.ch, Swissloop
Hilti Prize 2019

Michael Patrick Mühlebach, former doctoral student of Professor Raffaello D'Andrea at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control Engineering of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the HILTI Prize.
"Most of what I had learnt at ETH Zurich I could actually apply at some point."

Jürg Werner, CEO of Metall Zug AG, is a member of the Industrial Advisory Board of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. With the ETH Alumni Association, he talks about education and career.
Wegen seiner Leidenschaft für Technik verpasst dieser Flawiler auch schon mal das letzte Tram

St. Galler Tagblatt, Prof. Marco Hutter, Pascal Lieberherr
Sergio Vernuccio appointed to University of Sheffield

Sergio Vernuccio, former doctoral student at the Transport Processes and Reactions Laboratory of Professor Emeritus Philipp Rudolf von Rohr, has been appointed junior professor at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Welche Effizienz haben Lieferroboter?

fon-times.ch, Fokus-Projekt adero
MaP Best Image 2019

Marianna Diamantopoulou won the 1st place in the Best Image Contest of the 14th Materials and Processes Graduate Symposium on 3 July 2019. Diamantopoulou is a doctoral student in the Computational Modelling of Materials in Manufacturing group of Professor Dirk Mohr at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.
Best Poster Award for Particle Technology Lab

23rd ETH Nanoparticle Conference: Georgios Kelesidis and Alexander Bruun from the Particle Technology Lab of Professor Sotiris Pratsinis at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering received an award for their research poster.
Focus: Folded solar panel opens without power source

Physics, Prof. Kristina Shea