Materials for robotics

Salvador Pané i Vidal will start as Titular Professor of Materials for Robotics at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering on 1 January 2020. In his research the 39-year-old chemist from Barcelona combines materials science with robotics at small scales.
Sansavini appointed Associate Professor

Professor Giovanni Sansavini, currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich, has been appointed Associate Professor of Reliability and Risk Engineering.
How whitecaps form in the sea

A research group led by ETH Professor Petros Koumoutsakos from the Computational Science & Engineering Laboratory was awarded the 2019 APS/DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Award for its video on the formation of foam crowns on waves.
Awards for Institute of Virtual Manufacturing

Double honor for the Institute of Virtual Manufacturing of Professor Pavel Hora. Doctoral student Maximilian Neuhauser has won the MATERIALICA Award 2019 for students. Neuhauser and Felix Linnenschmidt also received Venture Kick funding for their ETH spin-off OptoGuard.
In search of energy solutions

Maria Lukatskaya has been appointed Assistant Professor for Electrochemical Energy Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. She works in the field of energy science and electrical energy storage. On 1 December 2019, the 31-year-old Muscovite will take up her position. We introduce her in an interview.
A wealth of possibilities

Why should I study engineering? Answers to this question were given by the Departments Mechanical and Process Engineering as well as Electrical Engineering and Information Technology to the more than 80 participants at the taster day for schoolgirls on 29 November.
Sonnenenergie für Schwerindustrie
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld
Winziger Roboter fliegt im Magnetfeld

Konstruktionspraxis online, Prof. Bradley Nelson, Paul-Scherrer-Instituts PSI
Carbon and Climate

Georgios A. Kelesidis, doctoral student at the Particle Technology Laboratory, was awarded at the AIChE Conference 2019 for his work on the influence of carbonaceous nanoparticles on climate.
Mark Tibbitt receives Golden Owl 2019

Mark Tibbitt, Professor and Head of the Macromolecular Engineering Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the Golden Owl for excellent teaching. The Owl is awarded by the ETH Zurich’s students association (VSETH) and honors exceptional teaching.
Magnete für die Fläche

Innovations-report, Prof. Bradley Nelson
Outstanding doctoral thesis 2019

Eight outstanding doctoral thesis’ at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering were honored with the ETH Medal 2019. With great commitment, our talented postgraduate students completed their doctoral thesis successfully and are now ready for new challenges.
Mit dem Nanovogel durch die Blutbahn segeln

nzz.ch, Prof. Bradley Nelson
The Pro Ticino Zurigo - Chicco d’Oro prize 2019

Andrea Pedrioli, Master student in Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the Pro Ticino Zurigo - Chicco d'Oro 2019 student prize by the Pro Ticino Association in Zurich on 28 October 2019.
EFCE Beiersdorf Award

Andreas Güntner, Lecturer and Group Leader at the Particle Technology Laboratory, received the Product Design Excellence Award for his doctoral thesis from the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) during its 2019 meeting in Florence, Italy.
Schweizer Firmen wittern in der Robotik das grosse Geschäft

nzz.ch, Prof. Roland Siegwart
Drohnenforscherin Chli: "Wir flirten stets mit den Grenzen"
Der Standard, Prof. Margarita Chli
Rettet diese CO2-Saugmaschine die Erde?

Stern, Spin-off Climeworks
Ten Excellence Scholarships in 2019

Ten students at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering received an Excellence Scholarship from the ETH Foundation. Ayush Garg, Franziska Eckert, Pascal Hodel, Lukas Hoyer, Luke Prakash Idiculla, Seok Joon Kim, Daniel Mesham, Louis Pahlavi, Kaixian Qu, Annan Zhang.
Honors for Mazzotti’s group

Marco Mazzotti, Professor and leader of the Separation Processes Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, and his former doctoral student Franziska Ortner, were honored at the 13th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption in Cairns, Australia.
Bachelor Outstanding Award 2019 - Best Bachelor`s degrees

The Bachelor Outstanding Awards for the best Bachelor`s degrees issued between 25.09.2018 and 20.09.2019 go to: Annan Zhang, Lukas Spannagel, Niklaus Markus Leuenberger, Franziska Eckert and Yannik Michael Glauser. Congratulations!
Bachelor Outstanding Award 2019 - Best first-year exams

The students Robin Hannes Jahn, Nazim Ozan Yasar, Roland Georg Stärk, Zoe Florence Hoek und Alex Brandes received the Bachelor Outstanding Award for the best first-year exams during the Spring Semester 2019. Congratulations!
D-MAVT at the Zurich Film Festival

Under the motto "Facing Robots", the ZFF visitors can currently get to know "ANYmal" and the former Focus-projects Proboscis and Ascento. At the opening of the exhibition on 28 September 2019, Professor Margarita Chli spoke about artificial intelligence.
Awards for Pratsinis’ group

Dr. Andreas Güntner, group leader at the Particle Technology Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, and Jan van den Broek, doctoral student in the same group, received the GAeF PhD Award and a Best Poster Award at the European Aerosol Conference 2019 in Sweden.
Nachhaltiger Treibstoff: Wie aus Licht und Luft Kerosin entstehen kann
Bilanz, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld
Gold ESAO PhD Award

Seraina Dual, former doctoral student in Professor Meboldt’s Product Development Group Zurich, received the Gold ESAO PhD Award from the European Society for Artificial Organs for her doctoral thesis “Measurement Principles for a Real-Time Cardiac Volume Sensor”.
Haller elected APS Fellow

George Haller, Professor of Nonlinear Dynamics at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) by the APS Council of Representatives. Less than half percent of the more than 50,000 members, including all areas of physics, receive this distinction.
RWB Stephens Prize 2019

Michael Gerlt, doctoral student in Professor Dual’s group at the Institute for Mechanical Systems, received the RWB Stephens Prize for his talk «Acoustic particle manipulation inside microscale droplets for highly efficient separation» at the International Congress on Ultrasonics in Belgium.
Poulikakos joins SNF Presiding Board

As of 1 January 2020, Dimos Poulikakos, ETH Professor of Thermodynamics, was elected President of the Division IV/Programs of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and, as such, he becomes a member of the SNF Presiding Board.
SSBE Research Award for Kevin Bircher

Kevin Bircher was awarded the Research Award of the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering. He receives the award for his work in the research group of Professor Edoardo Mazza at the Institute of Mechanical Systems.
ETH Industry Day 2019

What are the key technologies of tomorrow? How can scientific ideas find a way into the market? ETH Industry Day 2019 provided answers.
Diese Schweizer Drohne verhindert Terror-Anschläge
Schweizer Illustrierte, Prof. Roland Siegwart
Mini-Maschine im Auge

tagesanzeiger.ch, Prof. Bradley Nelson
Die Indizien aus Russland deuten klar auf einen Unfall mit einem Kernreaktor

nzz.ch, Prof. Horst-Michael Prasser
Donald Julius Groen Prize

Andrea Antenucci, former doctoral student at the Reliability and Risk Engineering Laboratory of Professor Giovanni Sansavini at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been awarded the Donald Julius Groen Prize by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
ETH Zürich gewinnt bei den autonomen Rennern

20min.ch, Fokus-Projekt Formula Student Electric
The world's smallest stent

medicalxpress.com, Prof. Bradley Nelson
ETH-Tüftler flitzen im Hyperloop-Wettbewerb auf Platz zwei

nzz.ch, Swissloop
Hilti Prize 2019

Michael Patrick Mühlebach, former doctoral student of Professor Raffaello D'Andrea at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control Engineering of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the HILTI Prize.
"Most of what I had learnt at ETH Zurich I could actually apply at some point."

Jürg Werner, CEO of Metall Zug AG, is a member of the Industrial Advisory Board of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. With the ETH Alumni Association, he talks about education and career.
Wegen seiner Leidenschaft für Technik verpasst dieser Flawiler auch schon mal das letzte Tram

St. Galler Tagblatt, Prof. Marco Hutter, Pascal Lieberherr
Sergio Vernuccio appointed to University of Sheffield

Sergio Vernuccio, former doctoral student at the Transport Processes and Reactions Laboratory of Professor Emeritus Philipp Rudolf von Rohr, has been appointed junior professor at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Welche Effizienz haben Lieferroboter?

fon-times.ch, Fokus-Projekt adero
MaP Best Image 2019

Marianna Diamantopoulou won the 1st place in the Best Image Contest of the 14th Materials and Processes Graduate Symposium on 3 July 2019. Diamantopoulou is a doctoral student in the Computational Modelling of Materials in Manufacturing group of Professor Dirk Mohr at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.
Best Poster Award for Particle Technology Lab

23rd ETH Nanoparticle Conference: Georgios Kelesidis and Alexander Bruun from the Particle Technology Lab of Professor Sotiris Pratsinis at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering received an award for their research poster.
Focus: Folded solar panel opens without power source

Physics, Prof. Kristina Shea
Raumfahrt Studierende präsentieren Mondbasis-Prototyp in Zermatt

blick.ch, Fokus-Projekt CHIRON
«Direkter, effizienter und günstiger» – ETH beantwortet Fragen zur solaren Mini-Raffinerie

watson.ch, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld, Dr. Philipp Furler
ETH zündet Energierevolution - Aus Sonnenlicht und Luft entsteht Benzin

SRF, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld, Dr. Philipp Furler
Smartwatches for high schoolers

During the ETH Studienwoche from 3 to 7 June 2019, 30 high school students built their own smartwatches. They were supported by researchers and students from D-MAVT and D-ITET.
Drohnenland Schweiz - Vom ETH-Labor auf den Weltmarkt

SRF, Spin-off Voliro
100 Jahre Internationale Arbeitsorganisation ILO: Die Zukunft der Arbeit

Tagesschau, Prof. Roland Siegwart
An engine made for renewable fuels

Three research teams from ETH Zurich and Empa have joined forces in an interdisciplinary project to investigate how internal combustion engines can be made fit to use of renewable, CO2-neutral fuels. In addition to electromobility, fuels from biogenic sources ('biofuels') or 'e-fuels' produced synthetically with regenerative electricity can also contribute to sustainable mobility.
Six ETH start-ups receive W.A. de Vigier Prize

Science Business, Spin-off Scewo AG
Drohne aus Zürich spürt wilde Tiere in Australien auf

Tagesanzeiger, Spin-off Wingtra
«ANYmal» ist Highlight an Pariser Messe

Blick, Spin-off Anybotics
Nanoprinting organic molecules at the quantum level

Nature Communications, Claudio U. Hail et al., Prof. Dimos Poulikakos
Congratulations to your Master's degree

On 10 May 2019, 260 graduates celebrated their graduation. D-MAVT congratulates you warmly to your Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, in Process Engineering, in Robotics, Systems and Control, in Micro- and Nanosystems and in Nuclear Engineering.
ETH Medal 2019

The following Master's students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering were awarded the ETH Medal for their outstanding Master’s thesis in 2019: Pol Duhr, Daniel Gehrig, Marco Gysel, Nikolaos Kallikounis, Connor Lane, Joonho Lee, Simone Mambelli, Anna Moro, Tiemo Pedergnana.
Willi Studer Prize 2019

The following Master's students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering were awarded the Willi Studer Prize for the best degree within their study program in 2019: Pol Duhr, Daniel Gehrig, Nikolaos Kallikounis, Joonho Lee, Marco Gysel, Simone Mambelli. Gysel and Mambelli even were the best graduates since 2010.
ETEL Master Award 2019

David Rohr receives the ETEL Master Award 2019 for the best Master’s thesis in mechatronics at the Departments of Mechanical and Process Engineering as well as Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. The thesis "Tiltwing VTOL Flight-Control System" was supervised by Professor Roland Siegwart.
Solving problems with computers

Petros Koumoutsakos, Professor of Computational Science at ETH Zurich, has been elected 78th member of the "Hall of Fame of the Digital Age" of the Zuse Institute Berlin and the Tagesspiegel.
«Es ist cool, wieder laufen zu können»

SRF, Fokus-Projekt VariLeg enhanced
Norwegen, der CO2-Mülleimer Europas?

SRF, Prof. Marco Mazzotti
Forscher der ETH Zürich entwickeln mikroskopisches 3D-Druckverfahren für multimaterielle Elektronik
3D-grenzenlos Magazin, Prof. Dimos Poulikakos
From D-MAVT into the world

Several doctoral students and researchers at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) have been appointed assistant professors at other universities worldwide.
Geht es nicht ohne? Sie glauben noch immer an die Atomkraft

Blick, Prof. Horst-Michael Prasser
Nanoparticles for medical solutions
Inge Herrmann has been appointed Assistant Professor for Nanoparticular Systems at the Institute of Process Engineering at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. She develops new technologies for medicine.
«Eigentlich läuft uns die Zeit davon»

Basler Zeitung, Prof. Konstantinos Boulouchos
Forscher verlangen Umbau des Verkehrssystems zur Einhaltung der Klimaziele

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Prof. Konstantinos Boulouchos
ETH-Professor sieht Kernenergie als Lösung für Klimaproblem

Nau.ch, Prof. Horst-Michael Prasser
Mann von Welt - Mark Tibbitt

JWD. Stern.de, Prof. Mark Tibbitt
Nanotech und Sonnenlicht halten Brillen frei von Beschlag

Blick, Prof. Dimos Poulikakos, Christopher Walker, Efstratios Mitridis
Koumoutsakos appointed Associate Editor
Petros Koumoutsakos, Head of the Computational Science and Engineering Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been appointed Associate Editor of the American Physical Society APS Journal «Physical Review Fluids».
Milliardenpublikum sieht Schweizer Drohnen fliegen

20 Minuten, Spin-off Verity
Die «kleine Schweizer Firma», die in den USA gross rauskommt

Basler Zeitung, Spin-off Climeworks
Forbes Liste mit fünf Forschern der ETH Zürich

Nau.ch, Spin-off Scewo
Dichtestress auf dem Schienennetz

SRF, Prof. Roland Siegwart
Von China über die ETH ans MIT

Kleine Zeitung, Annan Zhang (Bachelor D-MAVT)
Swisscom und ETH schicken vernetzte Drohne über Neuenburgersee

Netzwoche, Prof. Roland Siegwart
Diese Technologie wird dein Leben verändern

20 Minuten, Prof. Kristina Shea
Pratsinis receives KONA Award

Sotiris Pratsinis, Professor and Head of the Particle Technology Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, is honored with the 25th KONA Award.
Auf in die Blutbahn
Spiegel Online, Prof. Bradley Nelson
Bacteria-inspired Swiss microbot will be able to deliver drugs inside human body
Japan Times, Prof. Bradley Nelson
Bacteria-inspired microrobots

Scientists at ETH Zurich and EPFL have developed tiny elastic robots that can change shape depending on their surroundings. Modeled after bacteria and fully biocompatible, these robots optimize their movements to get to hard-to-reach areas of the human body. They stand to revolutionize targeted drug delivery.
Spin-off Boom an der ETH Zürich

SRF 1 Tagesschau, Prof. Roland Siegwart, Spin-off Sevensense
ETH Podcast ANYbotics

ETH Zürich, Prof. Marco Hutter
The robo-dog that can teach itself new tricks

dailymail.co.uk, Prof. Marco Hutter
Frischluft fürs verdichtete Zürich

Tagesanzeiger, Prof. Jan Carmeliet