The Pro Ticino Zurigo - Chicco d’Oro prize 2019

Andrea Pedrioli, Master student in Mechanical Engineering, was awarded the Pro Ticino Zurigo -  Chicco d'Oro 2019 student prize by the Pro Ticino Association in Zurich on 28 October 2019.

The Pro Ticino Zurigo -  Chicco d’Oro prize 2019 honors excellent Master’s Thesis from students from Ticino, who have graduated from the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich in 2018. The jury formed by Professors Paolo Ermanni, Giovanni Sansavini and Marco Mazzotti selected Andrea Pedrioli for his excellent Master’s Thesis on “Lattice Boltzmann Method for multiphase flows”, which had been supervised by Professor Ilya Karlin.
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