Willi Studer Prize 2020
The following Master's students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering were awarded the Willi Studer Prize for the best degree within their study program in 2020: Nicolas Lanzetti, Julian Nubert, Lukas Maximilian Schmid, Tim Adelhart Jieli Taubner
ETH Medal 2020
The following Master's students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering were awarded the ETH Medal for their outstanding Master’s thesis in 2020: Jan-Hendrik Jürgen Bastek, David Breitenmoser, Nicola Fonzi, Matthias Grass, Julia Franziska Kompalla, Nicolas Lanzetti, Julian Nubert, Tim Adelhart Jieli Taubner, Lukas Maximilian Schmid
Autonomer Agrarroboter „Rosie“ der ETH Zürich
Agrartechnik Österreich, Fokus-Projekt Rowesys
Finding hidden ocean traps
National Science Foundation, Prof. George Haller
Rethinking Robotics
Robert Katzschmann has been appointed Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Robotics at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Starting 1 July 2020, the 33-year-old German will join the recently founded Center for Robotics and the Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems with his expertise in the field of soft robotics.
Hitze in der Stadt
SRF Einstein, Dr. Aytaç Kubilay, Andreas Rubin
«Die Idee»: Messgerät erkennt Methanol in Alkohol
SRF 10vor10, Prof. Sotiris Pratsinis, Dr. Andreas Güntner
Two-wheeled, two-legged robot rolls and jumps
newatlas.com, Fokus-Projekt Ascento
A portable methanol detector
ETH researchers at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering have developed a device that detects low concentrations of methanol in alcoholic beverages. The results are displayed on a smartphone wirelessly in real time.
Role model: Margarita Chli
weshape.tech, Prof. Margarita Chli
Helping drones see better
Margarita Chli, Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering talks about her research in Robotics in a video interview at "On The Sunnie Side" by Forbes DACH.
Second Swiss pandemic wave could be more deadly
swissinfo.ch, Prof. Dirk Mohr
Climeworks stösst mit CO2-Filter bei Investoren auf grosses Wohlwollen
nzz.ch, Spin-off Climeworks
Researchers deconstruct the mechanisms that control wound healing
news-medical.net, Prof. Edoardo Mazza
Mathematik rettet Menschen aus Seenot
ingenieur.de, Prof. George Haller
Tests for everyone
Alexander Tanno has been awarded an ETH Pioneer Fellowship for the development of a quick and easy-to-use home blood test. His technology could also play an important role in a pandemic.