So gelangt das CO2 aus der Atmosphäre direkt in die Flasche
Nau.ch, Spin-off Climeworks
ETH-Roboter Anymal klettert auf den Etzel

Tages-Anzeiger, Prof. Marco Hutter
Grüne Atomkraft: Geht das?
WDR TV, Prof. Annalisa Manera
Eggenberger Award for Jasan Zughaibi

Jasan Marco Zughaibi, Master’s student with ETH Professor Raffaello D’Andrea at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the Hans-Eggenberger-Prize for his Master’s thesis. The annual award is given to outstanding young scientists.
Diese Erfindungen aus Zürich verändern die Welt

Tages-Anzeiger, Spin-offs Synhelion, Climeworks
Khiem Nguyen appointed Lecturer

Khiem Nguyen, postdoctoral fellow with ETH Professor Dennis Kochmann in the Institute of Mechanical Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering has been appointed Lecturer at the University of Glasgow.