Aurel Stodola Laureate 2022

Hod Lipson, Professor at Columbia University's Creative Machines Lab, was awarded the Aurel Stodola Medal by the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. As part of the award ceremony, Lipson gave a lecture on the automation of cognitive processes.
A golden sandwich that demists your windscreen

The Economist, Prof. Dimos Poulikakos, Prof. Thomas Schutzius, Iwan Hächler
Solutions for practical problems

Studying engineering - what does that actually mean? And what can you do with it later on in your career? Around 80 female highschoolers visited ETH Zurich to learn more by attending lectures, visiting laboratories, and talking to students.
ABB Research Award 2022

Anne Streb receives the ABB Research Award 2022 for her doctoral thesis "Low Carbon Hydrogen Production: Development of an Adsorption Process for H₂-CO₂ Co-Purification"
Melanie Zeilinger receives Golden Owl 2022

Melanie Zeilinger, Professor for Intelligent Control Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the Golden Owl for excellent teaching. The Owl is awarded by the student association of ETH Zurich (VSETH) and honors exceptional teaching.
AIChE Sustainable Engineering Research Award 2022 for Steinfeld

Aldo Steinfeld, Professor and head of the Professorship of Renewable Energy Carriers at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, received the AIChE Sustainable Engineering Research Award 2022 by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, for basic and applied research results relative to the sustainability of products, processes, and the environment, at the 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.
Maria Lukatskaya again listed as Highly Cited Researcher
Maria Lukatskaya, Professor of the Electrochemical Energy Systems Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, is listed as a “Highly Cited Researcher” in 2022. The list is compiled by Clarivate's Institute for Scientific Information.
Outstanding doctoral theses 2022

Seven doctoral students at the Department of Mechanical und Process Engineering receive the Silver Medal of ETH Zurich for their outstanding doctoral theses.
Students meet the labs

How do students find the right topic for their Bachelor's thesis? How does one get a tutor for the Master's program? The "Meet your lab" exhibition provides answers.
David Norris appointed Optica Fellow 2023

Professor David Norris, Head of the Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory at the ETH Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been named an Optica Fellow 2023. Optica is an international scientific association in the field of optics and photonics.
IROS Best Paper Award for Cuniato

Eugenio Cuniato, doctoral student in Professor Roland Siegwart’s group at the Autonomous Systems Lab at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering received the IROS Best Paper Award on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics for the paper "Power-based Safety Layer for Aerial Vehicles in Physical Interaction using Lyapunov Exponents".
Robotics researchers honored

The NCCR Robotics honors young female researchers with the "Swiss Robotics Master Award" during the Swiss Robotics Day. With this award, the NCCR aims to increase the visibility and opportunities for women in robotics. Eight awardees graduated from the Robotics, Systems and Control Master's program at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.
Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2022 - Best Bachelor’s degrees

The Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award for the best Bachelor’s degrees issued between 30.09.2021 and 30.09.2022 goes to Robin Jahn, Aurel Appius, Nazim Yasar, Tim Reinhart und Siro Corsi. Congratulations!
Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2022 - Best first-year exams

The students Colin Graf, Clara Nörenberg, Ádám Gábriel, Marius Robinson and Niclas Scheuer receive the Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award for the best first-year exams during the Spring Semester 2022. Congratulations!
Excellence scholarships for nine D-MAVT Master’s students
Nine Master’s students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering receive scholarships from the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme of ETH Zurich.
Wie Schweizer Forschende unsere Zukunft besser machen wollen

srf.ch, Prof. Paolo Ermanni
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award – FS 2022

Marc Aurel Bischof receives the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for his excellent performance in the Analysis II course during the spring semester 2022. Every semester the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering honors its teaching assistants for their valuable contributions with this award. The awardee will receive a monetary prize of CHF 500. Congratulations!
Ambizione grant for Isabella Schalko

Isabella Schalko has received an Ambizione grant from SNF for her research project "Ecological fluid dynamics for habitat creation in river systems". She will start at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at the Institute of Fluid Dynamics on 1 November 2022.
VIEshunt wins Young Investigators Award

The team of the focus project VIEshunt was awarded the Young Investigators Award. The award was presented at the Hydrocephalus Conference 2022 in Gothenburg in September.
Smoluchowski Award 2022 for Inge Herrmann

Inge Herrmann, ETH Professor of Nanoparticulate Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been awarded the Smoluchowski Award 2022.
Ines Weber wins GAeF PhD Award 2022

Ines Weber, former doctoral student at the Particle Technology Laboratory of Professor Sotiris Pratsinis at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, wins the GAeF PhD Award at the 2022 International Aerosol Conference for her outstanding doctoral thesis. Another doctoral student and a Master's student from the lab receive poster awards.
Urban Fasel appointed Lecturer at Imperial College

Urban Fasel, former doctoral student in Professor Paolo Ermanni's Laboratory of Composite Materials and Adaptive Structures at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been appointed Lecturer at Imperial College London in the Department of Aeronautics.
Anthis wins MaP Award 2022

Alexandre Anthis, former doctoral student of Professor Inge Herrmann at the Nanoparticle Systems Engineering Lab, won the MaP Award 2022 for his doctoral thesis "Design and Formulation of Stimuli-Responsive Surgical Materials".
Insight for bright minds

Quizzical glances, astounded faces; high school students are hustling and bustling in the ETH main building. That was the atmosphere at the Student Information Days on 7 and 8 September 2022, on-site for the first time since 2019.
Groundbreaking research

Emilio Frazzoli, ETH Professor of Dynamical Systems and Control, together with Sertac Karaman, received the RSS Test of Time Award 2022, which goes to high impact research published at least ten years ago in the field of robotics.
Die ETH Zürich rechnet vor, wie wir das Klimaziel Netto-Null bis 2050 erreichen können

watson.ch, Prof. em. Konstantinos Boulouchos
Raffaello D’Andrea named IFAC Fellow

Raffaello D’Andrea, Professor at the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering at ETH Zurich, receives the Fellow Award of the International Federation of Automation Control (IFAC) for his contributions in the development of distributed and cooperative robotic systems and their commercialization.
Bending under Big G

APS Physics, Prof. Jürg Dual, Tobias Brack
Bald keine Tierversuche mehr? Forschende entwickeln Alternative

20 Minuten, Prof. Mark Tibbitt, Prof. Jörn Dengjel (UniFr)
Wie gefährlich ist das beschädigte ukrainische AKW Saporischja?

SRF Tagesschau, Prof. Annalisa Manera (from min. 2:57)
Electronics with a sense of smell

Andreas Güntner has been appointed Assistant Professor of Sensor Technology at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Starting 1 September 2022, the 34-year-old German will conduct research at the Human-centered Sensing Laboratory (HSL) of the Institute of Energy and Process Engineering.
Kelesidis wins ISF Presentation Award

Dr. Georgios Kelesidis received a “Best Three-Minute Presentation Award” at the 6th International Sooting Flame Workshop of 22-23 July 2022 for his presentation on "Porosity and crystallinity dynamics of carbon black during internal and surface oxidation".
Dennis M. Kochmann wins John Argyris Award 2022

Dennis M. Kochmann, Professor of Mechanics and Materials at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering wins the John Argyris Award 2022 by the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM) for his contributions in computational mechanics.
Carbon-Neutral Jet Fuel? Scientists In Europe Say They’ve Successfully Created Synthetic Kerosene.

Forbes.com, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld, spin-off Synhelion
Die Zentralschweiz hat 52 neue Carrosserie-Fachleute – darunter ist auch ein Urner

Luzerner Zeitung, Prof. Roland Siegwart
ETH-Forschende vermessen Gravitationskonstante neu

idw-online.de, Prof. Jürg Dual
ETH Medal and Willi Studer Prize 2022

Ten Master’s students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering were awarded the ETH Medal for their outstanding Master’s theses in 2022. Four of them additionally received the Willi Studer Prize for the best degree within their study program.
ETH Zürich und Scheurer Swiss entwickeln mit 3D-Druck hüpfenden Roboter „SpaceHopper“ für den Weltraum
3d-grenzenlos.de, Fokus-Projekt SpaceHopper
Die Klimaretter
BILANZ, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld
Master's Graduation 2022

Three cohorts, two auditoriums, one celebration with "cross-broadcasting” and after-party. On Friday, 24 June 2022, 540 graduates celebrated their Master's degrees on the ETH Campus Hönggerberg.
Scheurer Swiss baut an SpaceHopper mit

Punkt 4, Fokus-Projekt SpaceHopper
ETH Diversity Award for Elizabeth Tilley

Elizabeth Tilley, Professor of Global Health Engineering at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, received the ETH Diversity Award. The award was presented to her for her commitment to diversity and inclusion at ETH Zurich.
Damaged liver kept for three days then used in successful transplant

Yahoo News, Prof. Mark Tibbitt
Mechanical engineering team wins 3D Pioneers Challenge 2022

A team of Master's students and lecturers at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering wins the 3D Pioneers Challenge 2022. They are awarded for the bellow rail brake that they developed. In total, projects from 27 countries and five continents were submitted for this competition.
Recognizing and seizing opportunities

Jürg Dual, Professor of Mechanics and Experimental Dynamics, will retire at the end of July 2022. But his thirst for research is far from quenched. In addition to acoustofluidics he is particularly passionate about gravitational research.
Weltweit bekannter Robotik-Forscher im Bruchsaler Schloss ausgezeichnet

Badische Neueste Nachrichten, Prof. Roland Siegwart
Alexandre Anthis in Forbes «30 under 30»

Alexandre Anthis, former doctoral student at the Nanoparticle Systems Engineering lab of Professor Inge Herrmann at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, was included in the Forbes “30 under 30” list (Science & Healthcare category). He developed surgical adhesives to prevent post-surgery leakages.
Raffaello D’Andrea wins “Pros to Know” award

Raffaello D’Andrea, Professor for Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering of ETH Zurich, wins the "Pros to Know" award 2022 by "Supply & Demand Chain Executive" magazine. The award recognizes outstanding executives in the supply chain industry.
Never mind stitches—it is possible to solder wounds closed
The Economist, Prof. Inge Herrmann, Empa
Microbubbles for medicine

Researchers from the Acoustic Robotics for Life Sciences and Healthcare group of Professor Daniel Ahmed at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering have steered microbubbles through the bloodstream using acoustic signals in vivo. This method offers novel therapeutic options.
Mattia Cenedese wins SWICCOMAS Prize

Mattia Cenedese, doctoral student at the Chair of Nonlinear Dynamics of Professor George Haller at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, wins the SWICCOMAS Prize 2022 for best doctoral thesis of the Swiss Community for Computational Methods in Applied Sciences.
Abfall klimaneutral entsorgen: Jetzt hat die Schweiz einen Masterplan

Berner Zeitung, Prof. Marco Mazzotti, Spin-off Neustark GmbH
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award – HS 2021

Jin Cheng and Klemens Iten win the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for the Fall Semester 2021. Every semester, the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering honors its teaching assistants for their valuable contributions with the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. The two winners will receive a prize money of CHF 500 each. Congratulations!
Was der Stromausfall für den havarierten Reaktor bedeutet
Tages Anzeiger, Prof. Annalisa Manera, Prof. em. Horst-Michael Prasser
Mit dem Angriff auf das Kernkraftwerk Saporischja spielt Russland mit dem Feuer
NZZ, Prof. Annalisa Manera
Robert Katzschmann elected TED Fellow

Robert Katzschmann, Professor of Soft Robotics at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, was elected TED Fellow 2022. Katzschmann was selected for developing adaptive robots comprising soft and living materials safe to use in a variety of tasks to improve quality of life.
De Lorenzis elected Euromech Fellow

Laura De Lorenzis, Professor of Computational Mechanics at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been elected as Solid Mechanics Fellow of the European Mechanics Society (Euromech).
Dennis Kochmann appointed to ETH Zurich Research Commission

Dennis Kochmann, Professor of Mechanics and Materials at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been appointed to the Research Commission by the Executive Board of ETH Zurich. The commission evaluates research applications and advises the Vice-President for Research as well as the other members of the Board in research-related matters.
The women changing science in Switzerland
Swissinfo.ch, Prof. Margarita Chli
Developing the “best” energy systems

Russell McKenna has been appointed Full Professor of Energy Systems Analysis in the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering. Starting 1 February 2022, the 39-year-old Brit will also head the Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis at the Paul Scherrer Institute.
So gelangt das CO2 aus der Atmosphäre direkt in die Flasche
Nau.ch, Spin-off Climeworks
ETH-Roboter Anymal klettert auf den Etzel

Tages-Anzeiger, Prof. Marco Hutter
Grüne Atomkraft: Geht das?
WDR TV, Prof. Annalisa Manera
Eggenberger Award for Jasan Zughaibi

Jasan Marco Zughaibi, Master’s student with ETH Professor Raffaello D’Andrea at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, receives the Hans-Eggenberger-Prize for his Master’s thesis. The annual award is given to outstanding young scientists.
Diese Erfindungen aus Zürich verändern die Welt

Tages-Anzeiger, Spin-offs Synhelion, Climeworks
Khiem Nguyen appointed Lecturer

Khiem Nguyen, postdoctoral fellow with ETH Professor Dennis Kochmann in the Institute of Mechanical Systems at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering has been appointed Lecturer at the University of Glasgow.