Master's Graduation 2022
Three cohorts, two auditoriums, one celebration with "cross-broadcasting” and after-party. On Friday, 24 June 2022, 540 graduates celebrated their Master's degrees on the ETH Campus Hönggerberg.
Milena Kost
Congratulations to all graduates of the Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, in Process Engineering, in Robotics, Systems and Control, in Micro and Nanosystems und in Nuclear Engineering.
Before the celebration
(Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
Rainy arrival on Hönggerberg (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
Head of Department and Professor Edoardo Mazza hosts and moderates the celebration. (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
Edoardo Mazza speaks to graduates at HPH G1... (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
...and HPH G2 via transmission. (Photo: Monika Estermann)
Keynote speaker Martin Hirzel, President of Swissmem, holds his speech in HPH G2 and is broadcast to G1.
(Photo: Monika Estermann)
Professor Dirk Mohr co-hosts the event and leads the ceremony in G2. (Photo: Monika Estermann)
Student representative speaker Paula Wulkop (Photo: Monika Estermann)
Student representative speaker Prerit Mathur (Photo: Monika Estermann)
Student representative speaker Miriam Müller (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
Student representative speaker Martin Ziran Xu (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
Thank you to the speakers (Photo: Monika Estermann)
After the diploma ceremony: big party at the foodmarket (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
The ETH Bigband Sextet is playing. (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
There are two photo corners at the apéro. One is supervised by alumni photographer Monika Estermann, who takes "Talar"-photos of the graduates.
(Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
Dirk Mohr and Edoardo Mazza after the diploma ceremony (Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)
(Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)

(Photo: Monika Estermann)

(Photo: ETH Zurich, Alessandro Della Bella)

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