Alexandre Anthis, former doctoral student of Professor Inge Herrmann at the Nanoparticle Systems Engineering Lab, won the MaP Award 2022 for his doctoral thesis "Design and Formulation of Stimuli-Responsive Surgical Materials".
The award honors the most promising doctoral thesis in the field of Materials and Processes at ETH Zurich. It was presented at the MaP Graduate Symposium on 1 September 2022 at ETH Zurich, Campus Hönggerberg.
Anthis conducted his research on "Design and Formulation of Stimuli-Responsive Surgical Materials" at ETH Zurich Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering and Empa, the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology. You can read more about his findings on the website of the ETH Zurich Doctoral School of Materials and Processes.
At the MaP Graduate Symposium 2022 about 200 participants learned and exchanged information about latest Materials and Processes research at ETH Zurich. The following people of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering of ETH Zurich received additional awards:
Alexander Hernandez Oendra, doctoral student at Optical Materials Engineering Laboratory (Prof. David Norris): Avantama Poster Award for the “Most Significant Commercialisation Potential” for his poster “Synthesis of Metal-Organic Chalcogenide Semiconductor Nanoparticles”
Daniel Notter, doctoral student at the Professorship of Renewable Energy Carriers (Prof. Aldo Steinfeld): BASF Sustainability Poster Award for the poster “Computational Screening and Experimental Validation of Binary and Ternary Metal Nitrides for the Solar-Driven Thermochemical Production of Green Ammonia”
Dimitar Boev, Master exchange student from RWTH Aachen at the Acoustic Robotics for Life Sciences and Healthcare Lab (Prof. Daniel Ahmed): third place in the MaP Poster Award for his poster “Micro-Scale Volumetric 3D Printing”
Dr. Alexandre Anthis during his presentation (Michele McCoig Photography)
Alexander Hernandez Oendra and Dr. Norman Lüchinger, Avantama (Michele McCoig Photography)
Daniel Notter, Dr. Olivier Enger (BASF) and Dr. Rupert Konradi (BASF) (Michele McCoig Photography)
Prof. Lucio Isa and Dimitar Boev (Michele McCoig Photography)