ASAIO Abstract Award for Magkoutas

Konstantinos Magkoutas, former postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Dynamic Systems and Control at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT), has been awarded the 2023 ASAIO Top Biomedical Engineering Abstract Award.
Die Schweiz baut richtig gute Solarmobile
SRF 1 - 10 vor 10, aCentauri Solar Racing
Scholarship for excellent Master’s students
Eight Master’s students of the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering receive scholarships from the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme of ETH Zurich.
Dandelion Award for Ahmed

Professor Daniel Ahmed, head of the Acoustic Robotics for Life Sciences and Healthcare Group at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, has been awarded the Dandelion Award for his outstanding efforts to promote entrepreneurship at ETH Zurich and beyond.
Another weapon to fight climate change? Put carbon back where we found it

National Geographic, Prof. Aldo Steinfeld, Climeworks AG
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award – FS 2023

Andrea Veciana and Maximilian Eberlein receive the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Maximilian Eberlein is being recognized for his outstanding performance in the course Introduction to Quantum Mechanics for Engineers during the spring semester 2023. Andrea Veciana is honored for the Nanorobotics course.
Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2023 - Best examination block B

The students Jonas Bauer, Gino Kreis, Alexandros Ntakoulas, Gabriele Piovan and Justin Weiss receive the Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award for the best examination block B in the examination session Summer 2023. Congratulations!
Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2023 - Best Bachelor's degrees

The Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award for the best Bachelor's degrees issued between 1 October 2022 and 2 October 2023 goes to Patrick Eberhard Benito, Laurent Hoffmann, André Muff, Roland Stärk and Emma Steinke. Congratulations!