Research for a more environmentally friendly industry

Antonio Gasós receives the 2025 Inflection Award

Una Trivanovic receives GAeF PhD Award

A pioneer in nanoscale manufacturing research

New professors at D-MAVT – for mobile robotics and solar energy technology

«Der Traum wird Wirklichkeit»

From micro-robots in the bloodstream to the rover on Mars

ETH Zurich Spin-off Report 2024: Successful outcome for D-MAVT

ETH medals for outstanding doctoral theses

Kristina Shea joins Innosuisse Board

Charles Dorn to become Assistant Professor

Anybotics raises $60M to bring more autonomous industrial robots to the US

National Prize for Open Research Data

Learning how to solve problems

Prototypes for Humanity Award

Highly Cited Researchers from D-MAVT

Yu Zhang appointed as Assistant Professor

Golden Owl 2024 for Raoul Hopf

Walter Fust appointed to ETH Board of Honour

ABB Research Prize 2024 for Tom Terlouw

Talent and serendipity

COMITES award for Vicentiti and Cattaneo

Could this new tech stop your glasses from fogging up?

The Hottest Startups in Zurich in 2024

Dandelion Award for Inge Herrmann

Semester starts with record numbers

Maini wins Swiss Physical Society Award

Stefano Moret receives ERC Grant

What if robots had artificial muscles?

Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Prize 2024

De Lorenzis receives the IACM Fellows Award

Jeff Bezos investiert Millionen in Zürcher Start-up

Dodo auf Wanderschaft

This robot fish could one day change how our oceans are studied

This New Air-Deflecting Shield Allows Athletes To Run Like The Unimpeded Wind

Renewable fuels with excellent environmental profile

New Electrolyte Design Could Significantly Boost Range of Electric Vehicles

Aldo Steinfeld's commitment to sustainability honored

AI boost for D-MAVT

Schweizer Startup nimmt Grossanlage für umweltfreundliches Flugbenzin in Betrieb

New heat pump technology could revolutionize industrial heating

Outstanding doctoral thesis

Stahl mit Sonnenlicht schmelzen? Schweizer Forschern gelingt grosser Durchbruch

Quantum Center Master Award

Avatar Robotics

CO2 aus der Luft filtern

Supporting students is a fulfilling task

Roland Siegwart achieves top ranking

ETH-Forschende entwickeln einen hüpfenden Weltraumroboter

ETH Medal and Willi Studer Prize 2024

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

Kannan and Karapiperis appointed professors

How to harvest moisture from the atmosphere

Manera and Hutter appointed members of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences

Faster to the target – new microrobotic catheter to improve the treatment of strokes

Collected and courageous

Best rated courses FS2023

Kohlendioxid - ab unter die Erde

Outstanding doctoral theses 2023

How to beat the heat in cities through urban climate modelling

Schülerinnen*tag 2023

Lukatskaya recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher

Semester / Bachelor or Master’s thesis

Stanley Corrsin Award for George Haller

Konrad Wegener receives Golden Owl 2023

Karen Bodie receives ABB Research Prize 2023

Excellence scholarship for Mastroddi and Muttoni

Why the Student Project House is looking for more women

ASAIO Abstract Award for Magkoutas

Swiss Robotics Day 2023 in Zürich

Die Schweiz baut richtig gute Solarmobile

Scholarship for excellent Master’s students

Dandelion Award for Ahmed

Another weapon to fight climate change? Put carbon back where we found it

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award – FS 2023

Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2023 - Best examination block B

Outstanding D-MAVT Bachelor Award 2023 - Best Bachelor's degrees

Aurel Stodola Medal for Jennifer A. Lewis

Stanley Corrsin Award for George Haller

From focus project to world record

Emilio Frazzoli new chairman of the Center for Sustainable Future Mobility

What do I want to study?

Wasserstoff-Lkw von Gebrüder Weiss bringt Solarmobil der ETH Zürich auf den Weg

Scientists build better nets to turn fog into usable water

Voliro erleichtert risikoreiche Arbeiten in der Höhe – mit Drohnen

Robo-Gecko: Dieser Roboter läuft an der Decke

Better together

«Die Schweiz ist der Tigerstaat im Werkzeugmaschinenbau»

Pané i Vidal appointed member of the Institute of Catalan Studies

Researchers from the Autonomous Systems Lab honored at ICRA

Schweizer Erfindungen könnten das Ende des WCs bedeuten

European Control Award for Melanie Zeilinger

Saporischja ist nicht Tschernobyl

Gorji appointed Assistant Professor at USC

Awards for doctoral students at the MaP Graduate Symposium 2023

Markus Bambach new Vice Rector for Study Programs

Mit diesem Stück Stoff spüren Sie den virtuellen Vogel auf dem Arm

Swiss Nanotechnology PhD Prize 2023 for Iwan Hächler

Zardini appointed Assistant Professor at MIT

Robots, race cars and recycling - that was the Focus Rollout 2023